Search Engine Land celebrates its Sweet 16 today. While most of the original team from 2006 has moved on, the mission of Search Engine Land remains nearly the same as it has been since day 1. As explained by founding editor Danny Sullivan, Search Engine Land was created to be: A place where you can
Google Search Console is experimenting with a new feature named “content ideas.” Content ideas give the content creator, publisher, SEO, webmaster, etc., some tips and advice on what new topics they can write about on their site. Experimental feature. This feature is not live for me in my verified Search Console profiles, but Nicolas Ockier
Publishers using the Subscribe with Google feature may see an increase in the reported clicks and impressions within the Google Search Console search performance report. This started around December 6, 2022. Google’s announcement. Google posted that on December 6, 2022, “Google created an additional search result feature for sites that use Subscribe with Google. As
With the wide variety of clients out there, you’re bound to run into the occasional DIY marketer. These marketers prefer that you teach them how to be self-sufficient rather than rely on you for every little question. These clients can be a blessing but can also be dangerous. The challenging aspect of client management is
Google Chrome is adding shortcuts to the address bar on desktop that will help you search through your bookmarks, history and tabs. Why we care. Search marketers do a lot of searching – and I’m pretty sure in our profession it’s illegal not to have dozens (hundreds?) of tabs open at a time. These additions
Customers have grown to expect tailored, timely offerings and marketers are challenged with delivering these real-time, personalized experiences to respond to their needs. As a result of this shift, enterprises are leveraging customer-centric strategies to drive smarter engagement across the full customer journey, capture revenue opportunities and foster long-term loyalty. Those that are truly succeeding
Video marketing is not a “nice-to-have” marketing strategy anymore. It has become a digital marketing necessity for almost every business – from financial planners to physicians. If you haven’t jumped into the video-making pool yet, now is the time to take that plunge. Why? People love to watch videos. No matter what type of business you have,
If you’re still on the fence about whether or not video ads are a good idea for your brand, you shouldn’t be. Coming into 2023, it’s more important than ever to consider all platforms and ad types; and video advertising should be at the top of that list. Here are three reasons why you should
As 2022 winds down, marketers are being asked to focus on efficiency and “do more with less.” The most successful have leveraged tools such as calculated metrics, artificial intelligence and real-time insights. In this webinar, learn how a financial institution with over 21 million active customers connects its customer data, segments audiences faster and delivers
Twitter has just launched new ad targeting options, including a new ‘Conversions’ objective they originally announced back in August. The new ‘Conversions’ objective. Advertisers are now able to focus their ad campaigns on those users who are most likely to take specific actions. Previously, Twitter advertisers were able to optimize campaigns to focus on clicks,
Facebook and Instagram parent Meta has just rolled out new privacy updates for everyone under the age of 16, or 18 in some countries. New privacy defaults. Starting today, teens will default to more private settings when they join Facebook. For teens already on the platform, Meta recommends making these changes manually. The new privacy